
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Personal trainer Svizzera - Find your way to be better

Qual è il tuo obiettivo?

Mantieniti in Forma e in Salute.

Approccio sano e realistico per una corretta ricomposizione corporea.

Recupera e ricostruisci dopo un infortunio.

Preparazione al massimo rendimento nel tuo sport.

Supera i tuoi limiti


L’esperienza prima da atleta e poi da allenatore, le competenze medico-sportive acquisite all’università e la formazione continua mi permettono di comprendere e interpretare correttamente le esigenze dei miei clienti, accompagnandoli nella consapevolezza del proprio corpo e nell’introduzione dell’attività fisica all’interno della propria vita, rendendo così la loro quotidianità più sana ed equilibrata.

Trova la strada per migliorarti

Atzeni L.

Emanuele has been coaching me for five years now. I have been immediately impressed by his professional attitude. Emanuele took me on a journey focused on long-term endurable and sustainable health benefits, rather than focused on mere aesthetic or personal records objectives. Emanuele puts a great deal of focus on the correct form and technique of exercises, both to maximise results and prevent injuries from occurring. Where these happen, his wide knowledge of sport science and human body help with recovery, providing efficient and detailed rehabilitation plans. He is also very interested in up-to-date scientific literature in sport physiology, biochemistry, mechanics and nutrition, that provide him with an extensive toolbox applicable to a wide array of his clients’ needs, be the goal related to weight loss or athletic performance. I do not hesitate to recommend him to anyone willing to improve his/her mental and physical well-being.

Atzeni L. Conservation biologist

Stefano C.

I've been training with Emanuele pre-pandemic, and in a short period not only I was getting closer to my objectives, but most importantly Emanuele was teaching me how to be independent. Against his own good, he strived to make sure I would understand the exercises and the fundamentals so that in the future I wouldn't need his services anymore. He is competent and knowledgeable: not your typical muscle-head. I look forward to training together again!

Stefano C. Softwar developer

Carlo Roberto F.

I have been training with Emanuele for the last couple of years. From the way he teaches, one can see how truly passionate he is about his job. I appreciate that he explains clearly why you are doing some exercise instead of others, rather than simply giving a list of exercises to follow and is always available to provide detailed explanations about exercises or nutrition. I think this shows his knowledge and professionalism.

Carlo Roberto F. Quality manager

Muriel C.

Emanuele is a wonderful personal trainer. He started training me after I had had a serious back operation, and I trusted him totally. He gave me back my strength and even more importantly my confidence. I was very worried about my back and without him I would never have believed the amount of physical exercise I was capable of. I feel a lot stronger and my fears have almost disappeared, I am proud to do all I do. Without Emanuele, none of that would have happened. Emanuele trains you with gentle authority and pushes you also. He listens to your concerns and trains you accordingly. Training is 100% tailor made. Each session he introduces one or two new exercises, while keeping some consistency. The use of dumbbells, elastics and TRX makes trainings more diverse and fun. I very much recommend training with Emanuele. Training with him has contributed greatly to a total recovery and lasting confidence in my capabilities, and made me a happier person for all these reasons.

Muriel C. French teacher